The firm undertakes all planning related work including:
- Strategic advice on large scale development proposals
- Reviewing planning applications prior to submission
- Monitoring and controlling the planning application process from a legal perspective, including team management and direction of technical experts
- Local Plans including drafting representations and Examinations in Public
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Drafting and negotiating S106 Agreements and all other planning and highways legal agreements
- Bringing and defending claims for judicial review and statutory challenge in the High Court, including seeking to minimise the risk of challenge
- Planning appeals, including acting at major public inquiries
- Listed Building and Heritage issues
- Community Infrastructure Levy
- Reviewing and interpreting planning conditions and obligations
- Planning Due Diligence and advice on property and corporate transactions
- Permitted Development Rights
- Enforcement issues
- Compulsory Purchase – promotion of CPO’s, objections and compensation matters
- Highways issues
- Advising Landowners affected by applications for Development Consent Orders